Thursday, August 28, 2008

Little Brother

Bobs finished reading a book in practically one sitting FOR FUN!! I never read! I read Cory Doctorow's Little Brother in my plane ride from San Francisco, CA to Newark, NJ (a really long flight, layover at Phoenix, AZ). If you are a computer nerd like me, or ever played Dungeon's and Dragons (yes, I did this), you will love this book. It's about some High School kids who embark in a political techno-geek rebellion against their high school and especially their country (USA).

There is then a terrorist attack on the Bay Bridge (the most important of all the bridges) and the BART and all hell breaks loose for these kids. I was also surprised that they managed to throw in some sort of love story into the mix, where Doctorow describes a girl that I would probably fall in love with.

A quote from the book that made me laugh hysterically on a flight of sleeping passengers was, "I had a boner that could cut glass."

Thank you Brenda, for recommending this book to me!! Awesome Librarian!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

MOSS 70-542 Certication Complete!

Bobs recently passed 70-542: MOSS Application Development certification. I owe most of my success to Daniel Johnston who wrote the blog: My 70-542 Study Guide. It organized the topics on the test in a way which my brain was able comprehend. I initially started to read blindingly Professional SharePoint 2007 Development by John Holliday. Everything went in one ear and out the other. I finished the book and then started studying based on Johnston's guide and everything started to click. I studied everything right off the web referenced in the guide, and then went back to the book as a supplemental reference.

Bobs then went to Alameda's Prometric Test Center and completed the test. The first 15 questions very closely resembling what I studied. The next 30 questions, I went into "OH SHIT" mode where there was a lot of generic InfoPath questions where I guessed most of the answers (although they were very intuitively easy to answer). The last questions were a breeze, since I studied the Business Data Catalog (BDC), like it was the only thing on the test. I was very relieved after I realized I passed and I owe most of it to Johnston's guide. Not many guides out there, but I totally recommend his. Thanks Daniel!